Abica's Limited Edition

Born 09.09.2009
Owner: Abica's

Originally called GiGi but now she is just PUDEL - she is the cutest, funnies , wildest poodle - our little mascot at the coursing field, she really thinks she is an afghan. Pictured below at coursing training and after a very quick haircut.

CH Dacun Kaylen´s He´s A Heartbreaker CH Kaylen's Reason To Believe CH Kaylen's Cadillac Style
CH Kaylen's Imagine That
CH Dacun's Marquee Diamond CH Ale Kai Mikimoto On Fifth
CH Dacun's Mercedes Benz
CH Prestige I Get It! CH Bouquet Fantazmic Davroff CH Maneetas Del Zarzoso Fuego Fatuo
CH Peguy Special Edition
Jolfan's Chance For Prestige CH Prestige I'll Do Anything
CH Jolfan Jazz Classic

As youngster

Baby Gigi til venstre and baby Miles til højre

Photo above: Klaus K. Nielsen